Kokomo Beach

by woerteralbum


Moonlight shines, the sky is fair.

A scent of lilies in the air.

Tidal waves rush to the shore.

Pleasantly breezes away

what torched us as the heat of day.

Who could ever ask for more?


Well, one more Pina Colada.

Troubles? Sorrows? Nada -

at Curacaos hottest nightspot,

where cocktails are within your reach.

Yes, I mean Kokomo Beach!

Anything better? I do think not.


(Ja, das könnt ihr gerne mal nachschlagen: Kokomo Beach, Curacao, Full Moon Party)



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Kommentare: 1
  • #1

    elja (Dienstag, 12 Mai 2015 04:24)

    Genau! You got it!

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